Birdwings Media

NABU Production Options

Samples from "Zaya's Dream"

Zaya's Dream (Original Image)

Text (Pg 12)

"Guess what?! I’ve started going to a learning centre here! Nyan isn’t happy about it because I don’t have as much time to play with him. Don’t worry, Nyan. I promise to teach you everything I learn so you won’t miss out on a thing!"

Zaya's Dream (Option 1: Image Transformation Only)

Includes contemporary 3D reimagining of original still image artwork provided by NABU.

Text (Pg 12)

"Guess what?! I’ve started going to a learning centre here! Nyan isn’t happy about it because I don’t have as much time to play with him. Don’t worry, Nyan. I promise to teach you everything I learn so you won’t miss out on a thing!"

Zaya's Dream (Option 2: Moving Image + Audio Production)

Includes 1-2 slight animations of body language/props within a single image (to maintain ebook format) and separate audio files with voiceover to be integrated into NABU platforms. Language options are subject to availability.

Text (Pg 12)

"Guess what?! I’ve started going to a learning centre here! Nyan isn’t happy about it because I don’t have as much time to play with him. Don’t worry, Nyan. I promise to teach you everything I learn so you won’t miss out on a thing!"



Zaya's Dream (Option 3: Full Video Production)

Includes 3D art, animation, narration voiceover and captions for story text, culturally relevant music, and options to pause for reflection questions in video format to be integrated into NABU platforms. Lip syncing is not recommended, as it does not work well across languages.

To discuss options for complete digital learning widget integration (ie. reflections questions, games, etc that are non-linear and interactive within app), please contact us.